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Aktiia Aligns with Treatment Guidelines

The most recent guidelines from the European Society of Hypertension and European Society of Cardiology recommend more frequent out-of-office blood pressure measurement. Why?


Hypertension diagnosis today is based on sparse and often unrepresentative measurements.

White coat effect

Stress at the doctor’s office can lead to abnormally high readings.

Masked Hypertension 

People with hypertension are sometimes not identified during infrequent office visits.


It’s important to track if your hypertension stays under control.

Enhanced Detection and Monitoring

Office Measurements Home BPM (Cuffs) Aktiia
FREQUENCY 1+ times a year 1+ times a day/week 27 measurements/day avg.

Click on the image above to download.

Why Does Night-Time Blood Pressure Matter?

Aktiia is the only solution on the market that can easily measure blood pressure while you’re sleeping.

Decades of research has shown that nighttime blood pressure is more highly correlated to cardiovascular risk than standard daytime blood pressure measurements. Learn more via the studies below.



Chest Journal

Sleep and Hypertension

“Small increases in BP, particularly nighttime BP levels, are associated with significant increases in cardiovascular morbidity and mortality.”

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Journal of Hypertension

Ohasama Study

In a study across 1,464 subjects, there was a 20% increased risk of cardiovascular mortality for every 5% deficiency in the expected dip in nighttime blood pressure.

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Circulation Journal

JAMP Study

Across 6,359 patients, “nighttime BP levels and a riser pattern were independently associated with total cardiovascular event rate, in particular for HF (heart failure).”

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Hypertension Journal

Dublin Outcome Study

This study with 5,292 concluded that “nighttime blood pressure is the most potent predictor of outcome.”

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A More Data-Driven Approach to Treatment

More frequent blood pressure measurement allows for more personalised treatment. By understanding each patient’s individual patterns, a physician has more information to create a tailored plan in areas such as medication titration, chronotherapy, and targeted lifestyle interventions.



Clinical Cardiology

Remote Hypertension Management

In a pilot trial of 130 patients (since expanded to 5,000), 91% of patients who regularly measured home BP for use in biweekly medication titration were able to achieve control of their blood pressure in 7 weeks.

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European Heart Journal

The Hygia Chronotherapy Trial

Bedtime administration of hypertension medication for those with nocturnal hypertension had demonstrably improved results in terms of hypertension control and reduced cardiovascular events.

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Circulation Journal

AHA Heart360 HBPM Trial

Patients in a treatment program focused on home blood pressure monitoring achieved “greater BP reductions, superior BP control, and higher patient satisfaction” compared to patients under usual care.

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Integrated BP Control

HBPM Systematic Review

This systematic review of 137 peer-reviewed studies concluded that more frequent home blood pressure monitoring “encourages patient-centered care, improves BP control and patient outcomes.”

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Measure Lifestyle Impact

Exercise, diet, and stress management have a measurable impact on blood pressure. With Aktiia, you can see how your lifestyle and your blood pressure are linked over hours, days, weeks, months, and years.





“The reduction of sodium intake… and the DASH diet both lower blood pressure substantially, with greater effects in combination than singly.”

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Curr Hyperten Rep

Dietary Interventions

A review of clinical trial results across many different dietary approaches to prevention and control of hypertension.

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J Hyperten

Meditation and Hypertension

This meta-analysis of randomised clinical trials concluded that non-transcendental meditation showed promising results for lowering both SBP and DBP, with transcendental meditation requiring further trials.

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EJC Prev Rehabil

Exercise and Hypertension

This meta-analysis concluded that “exercise is a cornerstone therapy for the prevention, treatment and control of hypertension.”

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