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Willkommen zu einer Sammlung von Podcasts, in denen Aktiia auf verschiedenen Kanälen ein Thema beleuchtet, das uns sehr am Herzen liegt: Blutdruck und seine tiefgreifenden Auswirkungen auf die globale Gesundheit.
Lassen Sie sich auf spannende Gespräche und anregende Dialoge ein, während wir tief in die Welt der Blutdruckmessung eintauchen. Erforschen Sie das transformative Potenzial des Aktiia-Produkts und seine bemerkenswerte Fähigkeit, Millionen von Menschen weltweit zu helfen.

Dr. Jay Shah: How to make the transition from clinical to non-clinical medicine
In this episode, I am joined by Dr. Jay Shah, who discusses his journey from a full-time practicing clinician to a full-time non-clinical clinician.
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Dr. Jay Shah: How to make the transition from clinical to non-clinical medicine
In this episode, I am joined by Dr. Jay Shah, who discusses his journey from a full-time practicing clinician to a full-time non-clinical clinician.
Listen to the podcast
Dr. Jay Shah: How to make the transition from clinical to non-clinical medicine
In this episode, I am joined by Dr. Jay Shah, who discusses his journey from a full-time practicing clinician to a full-time non-clinical clinician.
Listen to the podcast
Dr. Jay Shah: How to make the transition from clinical to non-clinical medicine
In this episode, I am joined by Dr. Jay Shah, who discusses his journey from a full-time practicing clinician to a full-time non-clinical clinician.
Listen to the podcast
Dr. Jay Shah: How to make the transition from clinical to non-clinical medicine
In this episode, I am joined by Dr. Jay Shah, who discusses his journey from a full-time practicing clinician to a full-time non-clinical clinician.
Listen to the podcast
Dr. Jay Shah: How to make the transition from clinical to non-clinical medicine
In this episode, I am joined by Dr. Jay Shah, who discusses his journey from a full-time practicing clinician to a full-time non-clinical clinician.
Listen to the podcast
Dr. Jay Shah: How to make the transition from clinical to non-clinical medicine
In this episode, I am joined by Dr. Jay Shah, who discusses his journey from a full-time practicing clinician to a full-time non-clinical clinician.
Listen to the podcast