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Bienvenue dans une collection de podcasts où Aktiia brille sur diverses ondes, mettant en lumière un sujet qui nous tient à cœur : la tension artérielle et son profond impact sur la santé mondiale.

Participez à des conversations passionnantes et à des dialogues stimulants en vous plongeant dans le domaine de la surveillance de la pression artérielle. Explorez le potentiel de transformation du produit Aktiia et sa remarquable capacité à autonomiser des millions de personnes dans le monde.

Comprendre l’hypertension avec le Dr Jay Shah

août 16, 2023. / 21:56 Dernier épisode

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Gérer la santé cardiovasculaire à l’aide de nouveaux dispositifs… Dr Jay Shah MD

juillet 24, 2023. / 34:39

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Gérer et traiter l’hypertension avec le Dr Jay Shah

juillet 22, 2023. / 19:23

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Dr Jay Shah – La mission d’un cardiologue pour empêcher le plus grand tueur silencieux de prendre une vie de plus

juin 12, 2023. / 01:05:45

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Série « Demandez à l’expert » : Dr Jay Shah Directeur médical d’Aktiia et expert en hypertension artérielle

mai 30, 2023. / 35:57

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Résoudre l’hypertension avec le Dr Jay Shah d’Aktiia

mai 24, 2023. / 29:33

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Dr. Jay Shah : Comment passer de la médecine clinique à la médecine non clinique

avril 20, 2023. / 43:09

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Hypertension de haut niveau avec le Dr Jay Shah

avril 11, 2023. / 28:12

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Recadrer la santé cardiovasculaire – Comment agir contre l’hypertension

avril 10, 2023. / 33:35

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Hypertension de haut niveau avec le Dr Jay Shah

avril 10, 2023. / 28:12

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Dr. Jay Shah: How to make the transition from clinical to non-clinical medicine

April 20, 2023. / 43:08 Latest Episode

In this episode, I am joined by Dr. Jay Shah, who discusses his journey from a full-time practicing clinician to a full-time non-clinical clinician.

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Dr. Jay Shah: How to make the transition from clinical to non-clinical medicine

April 20, 2023. / 43:08

In this episode, I am joined by Dr. Jay Shah, who discusses his journey from a full-time practicing clinician to a full-time non-clinical clinician.

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Dr. Jay Shah: How to make the transition from clinical to non-clinical medicine

April 20, 2023. / 43:08

In this episode, I am joined by Dr. Jay Shah, who discusses his journey from a full-time practicing clinician to a full-time non-clinical clinician.

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Dr. Jay Shah: How to make the transition from clinical to non-clinical medicine

April 20, 2023. / 43:08

In this episode, I am joined by Dr. Jay Shah, who discusses his journey from a full-time practicing clinician to a full-time non-clinical clinician.

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Dr. Jay Shah: How to make the transition from clinical to non-clinical medicine

April 20, 2023. / 43:08

In this episode, I am joined by Dr. Jay Shah, who discusses his journey from a full-time practicing clinician to a full-time non-clinical clinician.

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Dr. Jay Shah: How to make the transition from clinical to non-clinical medicine

April 20, 2023. / 43:08

In this episode, I am joined by Dr. Jay Shah, who discusses his journey from a full-time practicing clinician to a full-time non-clinical clinician.

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Dr. Jay Shah: How to make the transition from clinical to non-clinical medicine

April 20, 2023. / 43:08

In this episode, I am joined by Dr. Jay Shah, who discusses his journey from a full-time practicing clinician to a full-time non-clinical clinician.

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