The Benefits Of Using Apple Cider Vinegar To Lower Blood Pressure

Last reviewed:
01 Mar 2022,

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The Benefits Of Using Apple Cider Vinegar To Lower Blood Pressure

Apple cider vinegar historically has been known for its wide holistic benefits such as lowering blood pressure. Below we will discuss the benefits of using apple cider vinegar.

What is apple cider vinegar?

Apple cider vinegar (or cider vinegar) is simply fermented apple juice. There are two fermentation processes needed to create apple cider vinegar. The first is created by crushing apples and using the juice from this step to begin the fermentation process. Bacteria and yeast are added to the juice to kick start the alcoholic fermentation process by converting sugar to alcohol.

The second part of the process is the fermentation step, where the alcohol is converted into vinegar by adding a colourless liquid and organic compound known as acetic acid. This gives the vinegar its sour taste.

Types of apple cider vinegar

There are four different types of apple cider vinegar available. Each type has the general foundation of supporting your body for better health and they also have their individual perks to help lower blood pressure.

  • Raw or refined
  • Unfiltered or filtered
  • Unpasteurised or pasteurised
  • Organic or non organic

Will apple cider vinegar lower blood pressure?

Studies have shown that taking apple cider vinegar can result in reduced blood pressures. The NHS claims one third of adults in the UK have high blood pressure. Although, many are unaware that they’ve actually got the condition. Because of this, high blood pressure is a silent but very serious condition. If left untreated, there’s a high risk of health complications such as strokes and heart failures.

A study found that apple cider vinegar lowers the enzyme renin and hypertension in rats because of the acetic acid, the main component of vinegar. These results were compared to controls who hadn’t taken apple cider vinegar. From the findings, there wasn’t much difference in the number of angiotensin converting enzyme activity in different organs. Yet, the study suggests that the reduction of blood pressure is due to a significant reduction in renin activity, caused by the acetic acid, and also the reduction of angiotensin.

Another study found that humans who took 100mg of apple cider vinegar every day for 12 weeks found that their blood pressure levels had reduced noticeably.

There’s a debate whether the effects of apple cider vinegar are a true reflection of lowered blood pressure levels, because of the lack of evidence used on humans. Regardless, please seek advice from your chosen medical professional if this is something you want to try. Consuming apple cider vinegar in moderation should not be a problem.

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How to add apple cider vinegar to your diet

There are many ways to include apple cider vinegar to your diet.

  • Drinking: mix 20g of apple cider vinegar and 40g of water (you can add 1 teaspoon of a sweetener of your choice to tone down the bitter taste). You can add apple cider vinegar to a healthy drink mixture of your choice.
  • Eating: Add drops into your food, you can buy powder, gummies or tablets if you prefer to take it whole

It really is up to you how to consume apple cider vinegar. The health benefits are endless, not only to help reduce blood pressure. Apple cider vinegar is also known to lower glucose levels, soothe a sore throat, battle acne and skin irritations. People have also used it as a dandruff treatment, mouthwash and so much more. However you choose to consume apple cider vinegar, always confirm the dosage amount with a medical professional.

Disclaimer: If you are concerned about your blood pressure, it is best to speak to your doctor. They can advise on the best way to manage your blood pressure and whether consuming apple cider vinegar may be beneficial.


NHS, What is high blood pressure, October 23, 2019 –

Antihypertensive effects of acetic acid and vinegar, December, 2001 –

Apple cider and DASH Diet Guidelines, March, 2007 –

Medically Reviewed

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Renowned cardiologist, physician leader, and angel investor.

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